As many of you know, I have had quite a challenging time as of late.

Loaded Shelves with all my PC stuff

Here`s the story – A few days prior to the end of Sept; the landlord at the office dropped off my renewal lease with a HUGE increase expected monthly; with a side note that stated apparently I am getting quite the deal as the warehouse is still priced hundreds less than its worth. Well, I don’t care what his delusional mind feels its worth – but I refused to pay a penny more than I currently am SO>>> I decided, within seconds, to MOVE.

So as of Sept 27th, I had to pack up my entire office -all 1500 sq ft of crap – all by myself, while trying to keep the business open without an interruption to my clients, locate a new office location and work 3 days at the big RED (since the move wasn`t planned I, of course, hadn`t requested the time off)  …and although it was extremely ‘trying’; I did survive and it really is because of the support of my dear dear friends and my unconditionally supportive family. Even at 42, I can`t tell you the relief I felt knowing that my mom`s support, kind words and lovely thoughts were only a call away. 

Some great lessons came out of the ordeal though, and in the future I really really will try to be less independent and try, try, and try very hard to openly accept help. Honest I will really try… cuz I really suck at accepting help 🙂

The start of the packing

currently I am still  surrounded by boxes at the new office but I will try to post some pics soon of the new space so you get an idea of PC`s quaint new home.

Thx for checking in and most importantly for your friendship,
